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Create a dashboard


This feature is still under active development and not complete.

Dashboard options are accessible through the user dashboard view. This is accessible through the /v2/dashboard/formId link -- for example,

To add a dashboard header, you can insert custom HTML in dashboardOptions.views.header. The header will be shown above the tabs.

  "dashboardOptions": {
    "header": "<h1>Welcome to the MSC dashboard!</h1><br />"

Adding tabs to the dashboard

You can add a tab to the dashboard by editing the views array. Note that each item in views must have a unique id and a displayName.

  "dashboardOptions": {
    "views": [
        "id": "basic",
        "displayName": "Edit Basic Info",
        "type": "form",
        "pickFields": [

Template views

The simplest type of view is a template -- this is a HTML template that displays the response info in the specified template.

For example:

  "id": "profile",
  "displayName": "View profile",
  "type": "template",
  "template": {
    "html": {
      "Hello, {{}} {{}}. Here is your info:<br> ....."

Form views

The form view shows a subset of a form. You can choose which properties to show using the pickFields attribute. Optionally, you can override the uiSchema for those particular fields with the uiSchema attribute (the uiSchema will merge with the existing uiSchema, but replace the values of overlapping keys).

  "id": "subset",
  "displayName": "Edit Basic Info",
  "type": "template",
  "pickFields": [
  "uiSchema": {
    "contactName": {
      "classNames": "col-12"

Right now, we only support top-level fields with pickFields.

Disallow modification of existing items in arrays

You can disallow modification of existing items in an array (but still allow adding additional items) by adding the following uiSchema attribute to modify the uiSchema:

  "id": "subset",
  "displayName": "Edit Basic Info",
  "type": "template",
  "pickFields": [
  "uiSchema": {
    "participants": {
      "ui:cff:disableModifExistingItems": true