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Postprocess form data

You can configure modifications to form data that is performed after a response is submitted by using the formOptions.postprocess option. This logic gets applied to the response two times:

  • when a new response is submitted; and
  • when a response is modified.


"postprocess": {
  "patches": [
      "type": "patch",
      "value": [
          { "op": "add", "path": "/installment1", "value": "2020-01-30" }

Every item in the patches array is applied in order. Each item in the patches array must contain an object with type equal to patch, and the value key equal to a valid array in JSON Patch format.

Using patches with payment expressions

If an item in the patches array has the expr property equal to true, this is a way to slightly extend JSON Patch with support for payment expressions in the value property.

For every item in the value array, the value property will first be evaluated as a payment expression with the current response, then will be set to this evaluated value. Finally, the entire array will be applied as a JSON Patch.

Here's an example of doing a dynamic patch with an expression, which sets installment1 to today's date:

"postprocess": {
  "patches": [
      "type": "patch",
      "expr": true,
      "value": [
        { "op": "add", "path": "/installment1", "value": "cff_today()" }