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Payment Methods

The following is a typical example of the formOptions.paymentMethods object:

"paymentMethods": {
  "paypal_classic": {
    "zip": "$",
    "business": "",
    "address2": "$address.line2",
    "city": "$",
    "address1": "$address.line1",
    "image_url": "",
    "item_number": "Registration for Training Only",
    "sandbox": false,
    "last_name": "$contact_name.last",
    "item_name": "2018 CMSJ OM Run",
    "cmd": "_cart",
    "state": "$address.state",
    "first_name": "$contact_name.first",
    "email": "$email"
  "ccavenue": {

Note that the paymentMethods object is a dictionary, and it can have keys equal to any of the payment methods supported by CFF.

Supported payment methods

The subpages within this section explain more about how to use and configure each payment method.

Key name Description
paypal_classic PayPal classic integration
ccavenue CCAvenue integration
manual_approval Manual approval payment integration
manual_approval_2 A secondary manual approval payment integration
redirect Redirects to a new page
text Shows text

Conditionally handling multiple payment methods

You can conditionally show or hide possible payment methods based on the form data by using the cff_show_when attribute on the config dictionary of a particular payment method. The value of cff_show_when should be a payment expression -- if this value evaluates to 0, the payment method is hidden on the confirmation page. Otherwise, the payment method is shown.

You can also use the payButtonText property to customize the text of the pay button for a particular payment method.