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Confirmation emails

Confirmation emails can be sent for each form response. They can be enabled and configured with the formOptions.confirmationEmailInfo property.


By default, confirmation emails are not sent unless the user has paid. This means that, by default, if a form has no payment options set up, a confirmation email will be sent on submit.

However, if you have configured a payment method and the user selects some items to buy, then they will only receive a confirmation email once they click through the confirmation page. In the case of PayPal, they will only receive the email when they have paid in full. If they select a manual_approval payment option, the email will be sent right after they click the button that triggers the manual_approval payment option.

Configurable fields

The following fields can be configured:

    "cc": "",
    "bcc": "",
    "replyTo": "",
    "subject": "CFF Unit Testing Form\n Confirmation",
    "toField": "email",
    "fromName": "Test",
    "from": "",
    "template": {
        "html": "[html template]"

Only subject, template, toField / to, and from are required fields.

About toField

toField specifies a path from which the "to" field of the email is retrieved from. For example, if it is set to email, then the confirmation email will be sent to the value of the email field in the form (so the form data must look something like this:)

    "email": "",

You can also use the to property to send email to a hardcoded email (such as instead of a specified field.

    "to": ""

Configuring a "from" field

The from field specifies which email address sends the email. All emails are sent through Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES). This means that all additional from identities must be confirmed by an admin through the AWS console.

If you want to send emails from a custom email address, the easiest way to do so (without needing to go through confirmation) is to set the from field to equal and then change the replyTo field to be equal to the address of the custom sender. For example:

    "from": "",
    "replyTo": ""

Multiple email addresses

You can specify multiple emails by giving an array value for cc, bcc, toField, or to. For example, you can specify {"cc": ["", ""]}.


Confirmation email body text is set through confirmationEmailInfo.template.html field. This text can be specified as a Jinja template, so that the email dynamically changes based on what the individual form response contains.

See Sample templates for some sample templates that may fit your needs with a little tweaking.

See Making your own templates for a more complete list of features offered by CFF for creating your own template.

Disabling email sending with defaultSubmitOptions

If you want to disable sending emails, you should set formOptions.defaultSubmitOptions.sendEmail to false.

    "defaultSubmitOptions": {
        "sendEmail": false

You can also conditionally sending emails by including a string with a payment expression in sendEmail. For example, to only send emails if age > 10, you can do the following:

    "defaultSubmitOptions": {
        "sendEmail": "age > 10"