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Customizing buttons

You can change the add button text and remove button text as follows:

"participants": {
  "type": "array",
  "items": [...],
  "ui:cff:addButtonText": "Add the person",
  "ui:cff:removeButtonText": "Remove! Custom text!",

You can remove the add buttons this way:

"participants": {
    "ui:cff:showAddButton": false

Showing a "number of items" field

You can create a "number of items" field so that the user enters in the number of items in an array (as opposed to clicking on buttons to add/remove). First, add this in the uiSchema to the array element:

  "participants": {
    "ui:cff:showArrayNumItems": true

Then it will show up like this:


It will have a dropdown from minItems and maxItems, both defined in the schema.

You can also define the title (instead of "Number of participants" with the following option):

  "participants": {
    "ui:cff:showArrayNumItems": true,
    "ui:cff:arrayNumItemsTitle": "Enter the number of elements in the array"

Specifying ui:cff:arrayNumItemsTitle in the schema will override that which is specified in the uiSchema's ui:cff:arrayNumItemsTitle.