Coupon Codes

Coupon codes need to be specified both in the field (a string field that inputs a coupon code) and also a specification in paymentInfo.items. Note that these codes are not secure, as anyone could figure out the code by looking at the schema.

Regular coupon code called CODE for 80% off the total price:

        "name": "Coupon Code 80% off",
        "description": "Coupon Code 80% off",
        "amount": "-0.8 * $total",
        "quantity": "$couponCode:CODE"

Regular coupon code called CODE that can only be used once:

        "name": "Coupon Code 80% off",
        "description": "Coupon Code 80% off",
        "amount": "-0.8 * $total",
        "quantity": "$couponCode:CODE",
        "couponCode": "CODE",
        "couponCodeMaximum": "1"

Coupon code with three maximum 5K's:

        "name": "Coupon Code 100% off for 5K",
        "description": "Coupon Code 100% off for 5K",
        "amount": "-35 * $participants.race:5K",
        "quantity": "$couponCode:CODE",
        "couponCode": "CODE",
        "couponCodeMaximum": "3",
        "couponCodeCount": "$participants.race:5K"