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Getting started with CFF development

Install prerequisites

To run CFF locally, you first need to install the following prerequisites:

Clone code

The first step is to clone the git repository with the latest code locally. This repository contains both frontend and backend code.

git clone
cd CFF

Directory structure

  • docs - contains documentation files

  • scripts/src - contains frontend React code

  • scripts/src/__tests__ - contains tests for frontend React code

  • scripts/backend - contains Google Sheets syncing lambda function

  • lambda and lambda/chalicelib - contains main REST API (backend) code

  • lambda/tests - contains REST API tests

Develop frontend

To develop on the frontend, you can run the following commands from the CFF directory:

npm install
npm start

You need to run npm install only once (or whenever dependencies are updated in package.json or package-lock.json in future runs). npm start actually starts the development server.

By default, the frontend will use the beta deployed API as the backend, so there's no need to run the backend when developing the frontend locally.

You can open http://localhost:8000 to view a live-reloading version of CFF in your own browser.

Develop backend

To develop on the REST API, go to the lambda directory. We use pipenv to manage dependencies.

cd lambda
pip install pipenv
pipenv install

You need to run pipenv install only once (or whenever dependencies are updated in Pipfile or Pipfile.lock in future runs).

You can run the backend locally by following these steps:

  1. Run npm run mongo in one terminal so that a local database is running.
  2. Run npm start in another terminal.

This will run the backend at http://localhost:8001. Note that you may not be able to access endpoints without the right headers, though, so you might need to use a tool such as Postman to test out the endpoints.

Most of work done on the backend can be verified by re-running the tests. To run the tests, do the following:

  1. Run npm run mongo in one terminal so that a local database is running.
  2. Run npm test in another terminal.

Develop docs

To develop the docs locally, first install mkdocs and the mkdocs-material theme:

pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
mkdocs serve

Running this command will serve the docs at http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

Contribution process

For the general contribution process, see the Contribution process section.