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Deployment prerequisites

Deployment is automatically done via Azure Pipelines. However, if you need to deploy code manually, you must install:

  • the AWS CLI. Make sure you configure the CLI with AWS credentials that have access to the AWS production environment.
  • the Serverless framework. You can do npm i -g serverless to install it.

Automatic deployment


Beta deployment is automatically done via GitHub Actions whenever a commit is pushed to the master branch. Our beta environment is hosted at

To deploy to beta, either merge a PR into master or push a commit to master to trigger the GitHub Actions pipeline.


Production deployment is automatically done via Github Actions whenever a new version of CFF is released (when a new tag is pushed to master). Our production environment is hosted at

To deploy to prod, first update with the latest changes. Then run the following:

git checkout master
git pull origin master
npm version patch
git push --tags origin master

If the version is major / minor, you can run npm run major or npm run minor. Follow the guidelines from semver to determine which type of version bump this should be.

Finally, create a new release on the latest tagged version (such as v6.0.0) from this webpage: This will start the GitHub Actions pipeline to release the latest version to prod.

Manual deployment steps

Follow these steps in case GitHub Actions is not working.


Manual steps for deployment:

# Deploy documentation
npm run deploy-docs
# Deploy frontend
npm run deploy
# Deploy Google Sheets lambda function
npm run deploy-sheets
cd lambda
# Deploy REST API lambda functions
npm run deploy


# Deploy documentation
npm run deploy-docs
# Deploy frontend
npm run deploy-prod
# Deploy Google Sheets lambda function
npm run deploy-prod-sheets
cd lambda
# Deploy REST API lambda functions
npm run deploy-prod


Here are some production logs that are useful to check on:

Deployment infrastructure details

Google Sheets

Google Sheets syncing of form responses is done with the following service accounts: - credentials stored in the SSM variable CFF_GOOGLE_SHEETS_KEY_BETA - credentials stored in the SSM variable CFF_GOOGLE_SHEETS_KEY_PROD

These service accounts are stored in the ccmt-accounts GCP project, which has access to.

Troubleshooting steps

Verify email

Sometimes, if a user's email is unverified, they may not be able to reset their password and they may get an error, "Cannot reset password for the user as there is no registered/verified email or phone_number." To fix this, you should manually verify their email address by running:

aws cognito-idp admin-update-user-attributes --user-pool-id us-east-1_kcpcLxLzn --username [cognito user id] --user-attributes Name="email_verified",Value="true"